katrina niebergal
— come to your senses
— poems
— melons and jugs
— derby
— surviving a week...

come, Memory is a long-dreamed-of, research-led project, begun in September 2021, that centers around three research/recording trips taken to a series of ancient (especially Neolithic) European sacred sites.

The project includes: research;the recording of Super 8mm film, 35mm photo, and sound; the assembly of three short, experimental films; and the creation of a scenographic installation — that was exhibited at the artist-run project space WET in May, 2023.

come, Memory: fieldwork is another iteration of this project — an expanded research and sound document — made by Katrina Niebergal & Bergur Anderson.

listen / order here


• Optigan organ intro
• Tarxien Temples, Malta
• by Ramla Beach, Malta
• Acropolis, Athens
• drum groove
• Mdina bus, Malta
• excerpt from Lewis Mumford’s, The City in History, 1961
  • busker and busy corner, Athens
  • goats on the way to Katholiko beach, Crete
  • Wuestenwinds beach, Malta
  • CROWD* voices, the great mound
  • Juno’s groove


  • Stonehenge chats
  • Agia Triava Archeological Site, Crete
  • Skorba Temples, Malta
  • Druid’s theme
  • background voice takes, No talking spring
  • Optigan boogie
  • Orthodox service, Mykonos
  • water splash
  • Apollo’s Temple, Naxos
  • Snake Eyes, Noble Experiment (Thinking Fellers Union 282, 1994)

Katrina Niebergal & Bergur Anderson come, Memory: fieldwork, 2023
ed. of 50 cassette-tapes, 29 minutes, 12 seconds, releases November 28, 2023.

*CROWD voiced by Johan Björck, Jake Caleb, Tracy Hanna, Daisy Madden-Wells, Laura Piasta, Ceola Tunstall-Behrens, and Annemarie Wadlow

thanks to: Frédéric Van de Velde + Futura Resistenza / WET film / CBK Rotterdam / WORM Sound Studios / The Canada Council for the Arts